US $5 per person

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Footsteps of Paul in Italy [2]

Zoom Bible Tours service

Hosted by M-Grazia
  • 1 hours total
  • Offered in English

People are eyeing this experience. Over 10,600 people have viewed it this week.

  • About your host, M-Grazia

    I am a certified Tour Guide and Travel Consultant based in Florence, Italy. I do give tours in Italy and have specialised in Bible tours in many museums and Bible Lands. It is a joy to make history ...   More

  • What we'll do

    Paul’s fourth missionary tour starts in Jerusalem where a series of evens will take Paul in a journey throughout the Mediterranean Sea and all the way to Italy. This will be the last tour for the ‘apostle of the nations,’ in Rome is where he will die at the hand of the Romans.

  • Who can come

    Guests ages 2 and up can attend.

  • Notes

    A minimum of 6 people for the tour.  The cost is per person, not per device.  Children up to 16yrs old do not pay.  No cost also to those in special full-time service who have taken vow of poverty. For further info you may contact me on: enchantingjourneys @

  • Where we'll be

    A minimum of 6 people for the tour.  The cost is per person, not per device.  Children up to 16yrs old do not pay.  No cost also to those in special full-time service who have taken vow of poverty. For further info you may contact me on: enchantingjourneys @

Upcoming availability


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  • Group size

    There are 50 spots available on this service.

    You don’t have to fill all of them. Services are meant to be social, so other travelers could join too.

  • Guest requirements

    Bringing guests under 18

    If you bring a guest that’s under 18, it’s your responsibility to make sure the activities they participate in are age-appropriate.

  • From the host

    You need to have a device and internet connection. Your booking confirmation will be send to you by email with your Zoom Meeting ID.

  • Who can come

    Guests ages 2 and up can attend. Free for guests under age 2

When do you want to go?



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